• List of Accredited Registrars

    Last updated: July 25, 2022

    LBDR Accredited Registrar Categories

    The LBDR accredited registrar categories are:

    • VL (Very Large scale, manages 3,000 and 5,000 .lb domains)
    • LS (Large Scale, manages between 1,000 and 2,999 .lb domains)
    • MS (Medium Scale, manages between 500 and 999.lb domains)
    • SS (Small Scale, manages between 100 and 499.lb domain)
    • VS (Very Small, scale manages less than 99 .lb domains)
    • Local (has official status in Lebanon)
    • Intl (international registrar)

    LBDR Accredited Registrars

    Registrars that are listed under this section are LBDR Accredited Registrar and have contract agreements with the Registry.

    Name ||| Email ||| Web ||| Phone ||| Zones ||| Category

    Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property ||| lebanon@agip.com ||| www.tagidomains.com ||| +9611753222 ||| com.lb, org.lb, edu.lb, net.lb ||| SS - Local

    IDM ||| domlb@idm.net.lb ||| www.idm.net.lb ||| +9611595252 ||| com.lb, org.lb, edu.lb, net.lb, gov.lb ||| LS - Local

    PRACTICALHOST ||| admin@practicalhost.com ||| practicalhost.com ||| +351919790042 ||| com.lb, org.lb, edu.lb, net.lb, gov.lb ||| SS - Inter

    SODETEL ||| domreg@sodetel.net.lb ||| www.sodetel.net.lb ||| +1278 ||| com.lb, org.lb, edu.lb, net.lb, gov.lb ||| SS - Local

    TERRANET ||| dns-admin@terra.net.lb ||| www.terra.net.lb ||| +9611577511 ||| com.lb, org.lb, edu.lb, net.lb, gov.lb ||| SS - Local



    Suspended Registrars – Registrar status under review

    Registrars that are listed under this section are registrars that were previously accredited by the LBDR and their accreditation is currently suspended by the LBDR and their status under review.


    Suspended Registrars can only maintain their sponsored domain name, they cannot create new domains.


    Name ||| Email ||| Web ||| Phone ||| Zones ||| Category

    None ||| ||| ||| ||| |||